Friday 12 June 2009

Dunes in Conflict

Just days before arriving at Lytham, local residents had made the newspaper headlines when taking nature to task...
OUR sand dunes need protection!
That's the message from Fylde Council which has vowed to prosecute anyone who flattens sand dunes.It follows a radical act by local resident Brian Newman who has bulldozed the dune, which he owns, in front of his home on North Promenade.He has now re-built a smaller dune further away from his home.Other residents have now also vowed to demolish the dunes in front of their homes.But Fylde Council planning chiefs have promised to prosecute anyone who attempts to demolish dunes without permission."Published Date: 02 June 2009 By Joe Robinson Blackpool Gazette
The image shows the gaping hole created by the bulldozer and the Council's attempts to protect the new marram grasses that will restabilise the dunes

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